Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Running over the same old ground...

...year after year...what have you found?

I was talking yesterday to a friend, trying together to figure out what is something she likes a bit more than just much, in order to turn it into a hobby.
Half an hour later of me suggesting things and she saying no to the very idea, I gave up.
So after this powerful discussion, she still has no hobby after work and I am now left again with many ideas and no time to turn them into reality. I would do more than one thing I like at the same time, but the "British scientists" apparently keep saying it's still not possible.

So how is it, then?
Is it alright to chase more dreams at the same time or should we focus on one and die trying to make that happen? Is this world small enough to try to be good in only one direction?
By dreams I mean rabbits / opportunities / targets / goals / beliefs, called them as you wish.



Jiku said...

I don't know that is pretty much a tough question. But I believe no one has the absolute truth and you should not go search for it. No one has found it so what are the odds you will? Try to live in the present because the past made you who you are and the future is pretty much open to anything you never thought possible :D This is a very subjective question with no answer really. Some like to pursue one thing all their life, some get bored too damn fast :))

Miezu` said...

It was more of a rhetorical question for us to digest, I’m not expecting that my only 2-3 readers to know the absolute truth :P

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