Tuesday, 10 September 2013

"don't take on you things you cannot change"

That's what he said. 
That's what he said on a night when I told him that a part of me is disappointed. And that a part of my soul is stuck in my throat, asking "why?".

I know what is the reality now, though some years ago I was dreaming of changing the world. Making people better, improving the quality of life. Actually doing something.
When I stopped blinking like a deer in front of the headlights and realized that impossible things do exist, a small part of me died with the thought. A part of my childhood's specific enthusiasm died and made space for the coldness of the dreamy realism I am suffering from now. 

I am sorry, World, I eventually failed in believing I can make you better on my own. I was looking at what the human animals around me are doing and realized that the remaining enthusiasm will eventually die, piece by piece.
So I changed the strategy and I am now working on myself, on making myself better and perhaps inspiring others to do the same. If we don't start with ourselves, then I am sorry again, World. Perhaps our generation has to die and make space for the new enthusiastics. 
But you should know, World, I will at least die trying.


Coyote said...

Maybe that's the solution: to start within us. And you, more than many, DO make a difference around you.

Miezu` said...

feeling inspired? :)

Jiku said...

Start with the "man in the mirror" as Michael Jackson said (or the woman in this case). You cannot change ANYONE unless they want to be changed. And humans are (mostly) animals. Some say humans are the supreme race. I believe though that we are the stupidest race.....Why? Easy....we have reason and don't use it. Animals hunt to eat and they know that much, their base is on instincts....humans are the only ones killing other animals or humans for "personal gain or pleasure" (I don't get the pleasure but...).

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