Many things have been said about perfection by now.
The main idea is that we already know perfection doesn't exist. Then you might ask yourself, why is M still writing about this used idea?
It doesn't exist, ok. Yet, I write and you're reading about it, as you and me continue to wish for it and to aim for it...and it's great to have a purpose in life.
So, you see, I share this purpose with you, my imperfect readers. : )
I'm happy to know that perfection still hasn't been defined in a 100% certain way, since one's perfection is surely not like another's.
Thus, my stubbornness created a belief in my mind, which keeps telling me everyday that perfection can be achieved in the end, even if it means I have to take baby steps.
I know that every big thing has to start somewhere and needs time to grow. So I'm patient. For this purpose, I own
quality-patience. :)
This is where I will start my "perfect" series, where, step by step, perfection will eventually be created.
You'll see. : )
I have many ideas for creating perfection.
But beginning things always kills me. even if I've said before that I love beginnings. I do love them, the feeling of butterflies in my stomach is always nice...but it still creates a hole in my soul, killing tiny bits of it every time. It's like losing brain cells you know you will never get back.
Having this be continued.